Yesterday Lindsay, my wife, and I attended a breast feeding class. I had no idea what to expect. Oh boy, I have to say that women are tough! Let’s step back and look at this at this pregnancy situation for a second. Number one she is carrying around a child for nine months and she can’t take her stomach off like a back pack. Number two she will have to deliver our little girl, large object small opening enough said!! And third she will be breast feeding for the long while, up to a year! And that process was referred to as being stuck with lots of little needles each time her body prepares to feed, no thanks!!!I am amazed!
I have to say I was pretty ignorant, I thought breast feeding would be simple, I had no idea how much technique was involved. There is a ton that goes into the prepping for the feeding different ways to handle the child while feeding and time frames to make sure the baby gets enough milk. Not to mention there is the possibility of her or my wife getting sick due to breast feeding, wow!
The class was held at the Central Utah Woman’s Clinic in American Fork. Our instructor was a mother of three and works in the Labor and Delivery Department for American Fork Hospital; she was a guru on this topic. The Class lasted for about an hour and a half and covered everything from the best way to get your newborn to latch to the father’s role in the feeding process. I highly recommend this class it was very informative.
I have to admit I knew very little and I feel like there is only so much I can do. At the end of the class I asked the instructor if there was anything that I could do to help make this easier for her, her response was just do everything you can to make her comfortable. She also added, which if any guys fall into this category then sorry but you’re an idiot, don’t be critical of her. She said to talk and communicate and see what you can do to make this a good experience.
I know I am new at this but I am constantly amazed at how strong my wife is, independent, beautiful and the whole package! This whole pregnancy process makes me love her even more. I am also so amazed at how much I already love our little unborn Annie! I can wait to see her!